Budget & Rating


Budget and Rating Unit is the several units under the Central Administration Department which is the Secretariat of the Municipal Assembly and is responsible for the provision of support” services, effective and efficient general administration and organization of the Municipal Assembly. The Unit Currently has nine (9) staff which comprises, three (3) GOG staff, one (1) IGF, and three (3) Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) and two (2) National Service Personnel which support the unit to deliver its core functions. Budget and Rating Unit is headed by a Municipal Budget Analyst. Budget and Rating Unit core mandate is the preparation and execution of the budget of the Municipal Assembly which anchors on three main themes:

  • Budget preparation and Coordination
  • Budget implementation and performance reporting
  • Rating and Billing

The main functions of the unit include the following:

  1. Preparation and execution of the Assembly’s composite budget
  2.  Facilitate in the preparation, collation, and submission of annual estimates by other Departments, Agencies and Institutions in the Municipality
  3. Assist in the translation of the medium term programme of the Assembly into the investment programmes and activities
  4. The unit also co-ordinate in the organization of in-service-training programmes for the staff of the departments of Assemblies in budget preparation, financial management and dissemination of information on government financial policies
  5. The unit assist in verifying and certifying the status of the Assembly Development Projects before request for funds for payment are submitted to the relevant funding sources
  6. Lead or facilitate in the preparation of the rating schedules of the Municipal Assembly
  7. Facilitate the collation of the statistical inputs that will enhance the preparation of the budget of the Assembly
  8. Participate in the monitoring of programmes and projects of the Municipal Assembly as a measure to ensure economic utilization of budgetary resources.

For the above mentioned functions to be realized some of the following programmes and activities has to be undertaken

  1. Production workshop on preparation
  2. Budget Committee Meetings
  3. Stakeholder consultation meetings leading to Gazetting of Fee Fixing and Rate Imposition Resolutions
  4. Organise Departmental Budget Hearings
  5. Participate in the Regional Budget Hearings
  6. Mid-year Budget Review
  7. Participate in Social Accountability Forum or (PFM)